The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

SECTION i THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1917. Cjmtier- xixu al. literature has never been better or more disclosed. What hoy-want to establish as a standard is the In Kentucky The Lies of the Lost Minstrel Front a Pend.etiriis Club Table. DO YOU REMEMBER? Wapete and Paiutc Indians, wbo may be made citizens, and whose squaws are smokers and advocates of the right to smoke.

may be necessary for candidates who would poll the julgment of the 'ordinary meaning- thereby the eon volitional mind." Published DAILY A2vX SUNDAY. By WILL S. KALTENBACHEE. Societies, and persons, who exist Indian squaw vote to -adopt an att: A Bumper Crop. (Grant County News.) F.

Martin, of Crittenden. pounds of tobacco which Office, cor. Third avr, and Green t. tude toward tobacco mnr liberal thai; Y. red GOEBEL LAW WAS REPEALED AT SPECIAL SESSION.

was grown on five acres of land to that of Mrs. Thompson, as temporary presiding officer of the Oregon L'nele is the Nestor, likewise a grim jester. Vou would never suspect had been frisky. He smilingly basks, when somebody asks "Arc yu still conversing bout wh airy?" A verv bad winner, he gave a good A Consolidation ol TOE U)1JI8VILLE DAILY JOVKVAX LonlnrlUe, Ky Kor. 24, 1830.

discussion over a special ses of the Legislature recalls TUB sio the IfB sion the "I have some nalicil that rove ahuu(. And loudly knock to their passage out 1 extraordinary meeting of. the LOUISVILLE DAILY DEMOCRAT The Majority HuJes. I.onfnvllle, 1M3. I The following unsigned letter has been received O.

W. Slaughter, of Mt. Zion. at lTi cents per pound last week. The gross receipts for the crop were $1,335.10.

or slightly above $271 to the acre. Mr. Martin is confident that the crop would have averaged him nearly 20 cents per pound had he sold it on the louse-leaf market. C. A.

Simpson, another Crittenden growVr. marketed his entire crop at Lexington last week and received a primarily for the prevention of something, usually arc abnormal, fanatical, narrow, unreasonable, but anyone who answers fervently In the negative when asked if he has an ordinary mind; a normal mind not distinguished by superiority over the average, common, general or customary mind lays himself open to the suspicion that he, thinks well of himself in such a degree that is likely to regard with great contempt persons who do not share Ids views. The great obstacle to the promotion of the moral and intellectual prog I "The wriie-r has renA in vour Forsaken. C0URIER-jh'ed'torial columns your remarks con- MORNING In davs of old when Knights were bold, liing Arthur and his crewe. Told tales renowned at table round, And chestnuts glibly flew.

In davs of new. a modern crew. Yclept the Circ. of Culture, At table round repeats the sound Of chestnuts that revolt you. Sirs Gallahad and Ballybad.

Have long since passed away. But another lot. tell the same old rot Ten stories they told, to-day. To touch on the foibles, les tout in- eroyables. Has long ben a harmless disease, With those who know its, the license of poets.

scribble whatever they please. Filling the chalice without any malice. Is a daring inspiration. But like Sir Launcelot. to simply free lnnee.

the lot. Is a delightful operation. Xovv. King Arthur, the Knight, was I.unfnvffte. Jnnr .1, 1844.

General Assembly in the fall of UHX) at t.ho call of Gov. .1. C. V. Beckham to repeal the so-oafied Goebel election law, which was chiefly instrumental in bringing about the political upheaval the year before that all hut resulted In civil war in the State.

The election law then enforced was passed hy the Legislature of lM'S and got its name from being championed by Senator William Goebel, of Covington, through whose tireless energy it was finally enacted over the vigorous protest of many Democrats in the General Assembly. The Goebe! law provided for three State Klection Commis general average 01 js cents per puuiiu the First iHSDCd as the November 8, He had about 1 4,000 pounds of weed. dinner. However, he managed to dare it. To back his friend Hughes, and it gave him the blues.

But he had to grin and Barret. This chapter begins, with the "Gold Dust Twins." Depicted as draped in a towel. Distinguished are they, as a co*ckney would say. As 'Enery and He Hel Powell. N'ow 'Knerv row is a gay old fowl.

And struts like a peaco*ck game. His methods are nifty, he splits fifty-fifty. In using his Company's name. The brilliant He Hel. it's a pleasure to tell Is certainlv one of the boys.

Who can lake a good joke, and never revoke. Or apparently lose his poise. cerninjr tne nireei car me ncupc and various other kinds of Human Hogs, and would enjoy your comments upon The gentlemen thut.witl take a in the front part of the. car and lower the window when the temperature is considerably below freezing, having no regard for the other occupants of the car." The majority should and does rule in street cars, as elsewhere. When Hearse As Mail Wagon.

(Lebanon Knterprise.) The 'mail fur Bradfordsvllle Tues Rates. Daily edition, one year tfi (0 Daily and Sunday edition, one year. 8 00 Daily and Sundav, one month 75 ress of the world, as a result of thc- day afternoon was taken to that place co-operation of those who "set up morality first and art second, and sioners, all of one party, and these three were empowered to name the Only a Just one In a mil. I fervently wlsh-a rd joined the militia: The girls I would stun them; But now! Khaki's won them: To City Subscribers. Dailv.

delivered 10c per week Daily and Sunday delivered. U-o per week those who set tip art first and look someone who dislikes the quality of with contempt upon what their op the thick, humid, more or less waVm, g-c-rmy, malodorous air of a street car which has been run for twelve in a hearse, and as it representee! me accumulation of three days the hearse was completely fliled. On account of the snow making the roads practically Impassable Lradfordsville received no mail Sunday. Monday or Tuesday until late that afternoon, when a local undertaking firm sent one of its hearses there to be used at a funeral. When it was learned that the hearse was going to be, sent over that afternoon arrangements were made to have the mnU wrought over 111 it.

The incident Is characteristic of the enterprising spirit of the people of frequently Tho' of Chivalry ancient, the pillar. FJut be never could and he never would. Be as close as Billie Miller. "i'waa very cold at the Northern Pole. AVheu it first met Peary's dazed look.

Election Commissioners in each county, and it was under the provisions of this law tb at the memorable State campaign of ISiii1 when William Goebel, Democrat, opposed W. S. Taylor. Republican, for Governor, was eonduetnd. After the- gubernatorial contest was over and order had been restored, at Frankfort, many Democratic leaders the repeal of the Jaw, anil it was in response to this demand thnt the legislature v.

as convened special session. The friends of he'dcad Governor were powerful ia both branches of the General Assembly. Ser.ator Lilian! If. 'artcr, of Anderson county, being President of the Senate, and South Trimble, of Franklin county. Speaker of the 1 Ioufc.

As may br expected sonic of the ulira-Goebel men opposed any amer.onient of the law, bu: 'Tis delightful to talk to, the eloquent Doctor. 'Bout the war 'twixt the Allies and Germans, But it's very clear that his coming here. Is to get pointers for his sermons. "Where the circle was broken deserves a token, For Horace who rests neath the shadow. We will drink to his ghost, in a brim-, ming toast.

Of his favorite Amontillado. Fut the Pole is hot. as a melting pot. Postage. Entered at thr Louisville Post-office as second-class matter.

10, V2 and paxes 1 cent IB. IS, 2D and -M pages 2 centa 2S, 32 find 40 pages 3 cents Sunday edition, with magazine. 5 cents Foreign cent for each 2 ounces Communications. AH fcniiminications should be addressed in the- Courier-JournM and not trt individuals. Tf writers who submit MSS.

for publication wish to have rejected articles returned they must in all cnes The editors are Klad in examine but return postage lit i he included. Washington Bureau and Kin Evans Rui'diner. 1430 Xew York avenueMorton AL Mitford. manager. hours without adequate ventilation, ventures, timidly, or brazenly.

10 open a window someone who prefers a rich highly impregnated and perfumed atmosphere a.s against a thinner and more barren, and colder, air of outer doors, should object. The choice is, of course. between (fie two kinIs of air that are offered, and not between the raw. blizzard cooled air outside of the win Compared to Jirmme oiazeorooiv. The stories merry, of Hiram "Berry, I K-servr- esnr-cial remarks, Call the Bersaglieri! Dear Curf: If an on th bor ponents call is that there is so much co*ck-sureness on each A man who wants to put another man in jail because the other mar, sells a book which he cannot approve may be tit only for treason, stratagem, spoils or a place in Congress where they make dalliance a felony, drink a.

high crime, and the business of printing advertisem*nts an evil to be coped it'll by abolishing the freedom of the press. The S. P. V. representative may be another Mad An-, thony Comstock, or an equally mad Representative Mann, but trust not the superior person who thanks God publicly and in impassioned tones that he has no ordinary mind, fine so confident of his superiority can der created disorder, con id he that progressive town, and it mignt be added that although they were carried in the hearse none of the a disorderly fa HE A I er- Ll For Hiram is shy.

and cannot deny. The slanders of Johnnie Starks. Some gentle whacks are due the Macs, From the land of Harry Lauder, But 'twould be too terse, in a single ve rsc. So we'll take them up in order. "Lie on McD.

and curst be he AVho first cries. 'Hold: Lnough'" It is said to his glory, he knows but one story. Hut that one is awfully t-ugh. dow- and pure balmy air inside of As jokes grow state within the pale. The circle is quite impartial.

In seeking a victim on which to inflict" 'em The latest is Johnnie Marshall- N'ow if you won't blow it, the name of the poet. Is a person the English call That is, one who can write, but he needn't bo right. And if he is wrong keep it dark. SVXDAY. Mi est: were, not sufficient to prevent the Legislature from doing the work it was called together to perform.

The substitute act finally adopted was the work of a Conference Committee of both houses. An attempt to make it a Democratic caucus measure failed, however, arid it was passed with the aid of Republican votes, the Democratic majority in the Senate and House -being merger. Tiie new election sratute passed in VM) in place of the Goebel act the car. A decision as to which kind is preferable is reached reluctantly IT IS YET TOO EAR! A TO HER. aid the coming of spring.

Tt is yet at least a weeJt too early. Thanks. We" I Tlay These. Dcar'Curf: I am a poor man. but I am willing to give mil'- tj the cause ight it not he fin io i-a" a juicer room an -c-l NBA THK SIIXIR.

letters were dead letters. Tuesday a fund was raised among Bradfords-viiie people and the road was dragged from that place to Lebanon, opening traffic between the two places. The McL'Jroy, Springfield and St. Marys pikes and one or two other roads hae s.nce been dragged. Hosiery Mill Starts.

1 Somerset Journal.) The deul for the Kwannotch Hosiery Mills was closed this week and the plant opened up f-o- business Monday. by nearly everyone. There are few human beings who can nestle com fortably in, evil smelling surrounil'ngs-even when the mercury is at zero a good advertiser. Diable McKeHar. a ft rs in working the 11 early ris-M Is Robert a feu- Conceived, perpetrated, signed, sealed a nd del ivered.

In fortv-flve minutes by the Town clock. Friday, the fifth day of January, IP 17. fr. Mrs. Thompson's Recklessness.

For the lirst time in its history the Oregon Legislature proceeded under the guidance of a woman when resent a live Thompson presided tem- pnrnriiy, in the absence of the Speak er of the Mouse, Mrs. Thompson placed smoking under the ban, and the House obediently suspended that pa But is still a joi good el low. me same the pres: eitvuon iaw. only a few minor haying since bcerh The must change made was ii'vins both parties representation on the iSta'e and county election boards. Tho three.

fa'tatf Commissioners who served during the ni'-morabb' ISft? campaign were W- S. Pryor, The Sunday Eeimon By Friar Flint outside where elra-nliness is circumambient. The decision of the majority supercedes the decision of the individual. If an individual proceeds upon his own judgment, and r'01 a abort pme only a sman 101 wiil be employed, but Mr- Ab- Lots of mn tnivel the straight and narrow pat'n make sure that it tv who is in charge of the plant of New Castle; W. T.

KIIIh. of iwensboro. and "Maries H. of here thai within the nest month not escape narrow mi ruled ess. lie can but feel that anyone who hasn't his point of view hasn't brains.

He is likely to be as unreasonable as the most fanatical among those who dedicate themselves 10 he suppression of vice hy means of suppressing everyone and everything they believe to he vicious. Those who thank God. aloud or in 1 heir hearts, that they haven't ordinary minds, delight to call the ordinary-minded Philis-tines. The term is the most blighting epithet in the indulgence while she presided. reasonably 1 WHO KILLED TEc*msEH? Another Lig'ht On An Interesting- Dispute of History.

Maysville. PrVor and Giiis save the certificate of election to Taylor, but Poyiux-decfincd tV join with the others. nnvpii before rv A One of tiie consolatory privileges pany, was a man. of as strict integrity as any man; he was a devoted friend of Johnson's and lorbade me giving it any publicity while, be lived. "I believe the' above statement, so far they refer to the subject of the paper, are substantia II true.

I. spl'RP." Sworn to and subscribed before me by R. I. Spurr ibis the liith dav of October. 1IKXBV li.

Ct'BTIS. Public Payette County. ICy. nick it. of the M'egon lawmaker has been it When you feel an iinnulse to crush p.

dulgencc in tho cigar or pipe while HAMMER AND TONGS STYLE OF CAMPAIGNING. list oning to a oilier member "emit UKRdn your nrm. I declare that sh" a star eyed ting chewed as a member of Answers To Questions vocabulary of invective boasted by the consciously superior. opens a window against the judgment and desire of the majority, he should lie compelled to make a choice between the rear platform and the foul air. His compulsion is a simple matter.

The conductor, as the servant 0 1 he company, which is' responsible fur the lack of ventilation and the inadequate heating, stands ready to adopt anyone's suggestion that the "pernicious, offensive, inconsiderate window opener be squelched. I'pon anyone's motion he will direct 'the offender to close the window. The matter, as a rule, need-be carried no further. If it should he will use some fifty or more girls. The name has been changed to ihe Ilea Ely Hosiery Mills.

Lucky Find. (Taylor County (Hie day huu F. MeCubbiii. a local piano dealer, was over in a nearby county in the jnlerest of his business. He traded for an old 'square top prano and had it shipped here; in making some lepiiirs to the instrument, it was nccesary to remove a lot of the old material from the inside, while doing Ibis he found three gold pieces, dated ISTmj.

I. These coins are worth cousin rabte more lhan face value, owing to the fact that th- (b.vernnont has loir-since quit making them, and Tom is congratulating himself 011 his Iiu-ky tiud. and says he is looking for oilier "square-top" piamts that ar- fr trade. Many interesting stories are recalled campaigns between Oscar Turner and Lawrence Trimble, who were rival candidates for Congress in the First district about i 1 1 years ago. which were featured by many pannage at arms between them.

10a eh was a pastmastej-al repartee and at all their meetings th-v managed tn get back each other. Tin ue and Trimble, who were on the be. -t terms friendship and traveled iher, 011 -me occitsign met in mini 1 Turner led off in the Matthew Arnold called the entire Middle Class in Kngland Philistines. and George fiernard has de from paradise and sw-ar that your wiil be: a sad. drab story unless she is its theme, remember.

brother, that such sentiments have wrecked better men than you. and then calm yourself ant I be content with a more nnm-oxr mittal remark like "Ain't it awful liow this weather keeps up?" or "Does yju: old man still wear cotton s-OvksV As long as you are trying io thuti one girl at a reor.e.'e your.elf to the idea thai your fate is being juggled by Providence and the telephone operator, especially th-1 latter if yours is a party line. The Head Barber. lighted to imitate him in that re- sped, as have so many smart writers Questions should he typed or written. Answers by mail cannot be given.

The name of the inquirer should be signed to the question. Address Questions and Answers Editor. BoiUa. 1 1 a' i 'fodsburg. Ait-sw i The story 'Mothering on Perir-ou." by Lucy ui man, is considered an a sketch.

Mrs. H. V. Woolf, Winchester. appeals to readers of "Answers to Questions" for any data concerning Ct-orge speaking, during which he lambasted way of comment cpon a article in the Sunday Courier-.

fournal about Col. Itichard M. Johnson, the following has ben received from It. Spun, of Lexington, taken from family records: "Kichaid Spurr. tiie jotirth child of mv srnmiiatber.

Itichard Spurr. was a soldier of tiie War of I Ml! with Kngland a member of ('apt. and altach-d f-d. M. Johnson's nt.

"The company was a part uf nrst battalion of said regiment. Th- c.un-panv was raised near Athens, in i county. Tli place was then calb'd Cross Plains. In the same --oiii-panv was a man by the name of John MeGunnfgie, who was blacksmith for Vncle. William Spurr.

"Upon the approach of the C. S. forces under W. II. Harrison to he Canada i ont ier.

ho as a bly seconded tho Kentueky troops, under Ciov. lunar Shelby, the British forces under Cen. Proctor, aided by ihe Indians under Tecuniseh. crossed the Det nut Hi vei- into Cn nada and of the present time thai we h-ar an echo in the form of contemptuous Trimble in a most terrific manner, in- iiieing in many personalities. He the National House of Ilepresenta- tires put it a few years ago.

Representative Thompson in unof- flcfal Life Mrs. Alexander Thompson holds, it seems, that due respect to WOTSlon ls -hm-j? when legislators smokf while the House is in session. j--- As an officeholder and an office-seeker Representative Thompson is reckless. While Muoking was forbidden in the House of Representatives the United Treasury Depart- mont published a report of tax returns showing that in HH7 more tobacco wa-s used in the United States than was consumed in any previous year with the exception of 1 00. An increase of -10 per cent, in the con-- sumption nf cigarettes is attributed to the great increase of smoking among women.

In view nf the tendencies of author of a snort poeni.J be necessary to carry it further the conductor is clothed with authority to act in behalf of those who dislike cold air more than they dislike air made foul by repeated rebreulhing. In some countries outside seats are provided for person? who like clean Just South the Ala ton and Pixou Lino." P.oliin W. Shaw. Edmonton. Ky.

An swer: i lie address of James Dane Al Lusty "Baby' Oil Well. Irvine Sun.) "Oil right" you ii if you wit nt lo, but' 11 bet you a doll a it, to a ginger cake that it's so. The len is given ah tlti Fifth avenue, Xew York. There is no Lane Allen kept it up fur itite a time until fine of Trimble's friends observed that Turner was going entirely too far in bis statement. "Oh.

that's all right," replied Trimble. know the cause of that: Turner got into my saddlebags and drunk up nearly of my (jua rl whNkv." When Tn rner had finished and it ua.s Trimble's time to speak he made the fur tiy in his attacks upon his opponent- At this junctuie of Turner's Mends, who had become very much incensed by the turn of affairs, (it repaid to i(. "Don't worry, my 1 ietid. I know the cause of it," said Turner. "Trimble got into my saddlebags and tin- This is a great c*nt ry.

A man ca ride in jit-ne. eat. iu a dairy lunch, sil in th" gallon-, v. i-ii omeon else's ''1d onp.f dav. The Kentucky Edu -aiionai Asso- iaiioi: bono: ed him about two years air.

oven wnen is com or nen ago this spring, it being their custom rain snow is falling. In America Mild all passengers are offered inside ry is this: eld i en a ting-hit a rich oil trail in the Station Camp district several weeks ago and every day or two they "bag" a one, but Ihe last supersedes aU the 'dher thirteen prod tiers for its do rumor, at heir annual gather-lgs. io sonic Kentucky writer. Philip Louisville. Quest What or: ion? of Smith Africa are th" Sou tii A frica.ii Cnion 7 I 'ure ive particulars a to area, population.

continued their retreat the Thanes Kiver. With the assistance of Commodore Perry, the p. S. force. fi-os-d into Canada ami pursued the retreating enemy.

The regiment of A. bein" mounted men. wee. its or none. The rule of the ma till u-ss of Lib-i is own tins is ayitig diat "onstitmion references to class morality in America, where we have no midd'i: class.

Is' the Matthew term so eagerly adopted in hy those who thank God I hat they are not ordinary- in inded, any more convincing as an indictment, of narrow mtnded-ness than Leslie Stephens' assort ion thai Hid use of the word "Philistine" is the very note of Philistinism be-causi- it is "a term of contempt applied by prigs to the n'st of ihHr species?" Should we the species bo governed, in the matter of morals or man n-rs. by lie onlirui ry-minded, under the good old fashioned comfortable and democrat ic principle of majority rule, or should we accept as a. guide lie prig who. as brazenly n.s tho Pharisee, thanks God that ho is n'rft like one of us ordinary jority as to open windows is con tile resources, etc. Answer: Th- L'uion of ished up nearly a quart of my iitdor before But lo ie." ihe S.

A. is a bulwark of prelection when he hurts a policeman's i eeVmgs. ceded to be absolute. For this reason it is impossible for the open-window hog to keep the window open if anyone objects. Africa a ol four British colonies, dating from the most souDidly portion Africa, and comprises the Cape of Cootl Hope.

Xata! with Zuluhind, tin-. Orange Free State and the Transvaal. It has an are of square ami is thetefore more than nine times the size of England. Tin populaiion. according to the census of is HOW IXLIS PAID COMPLIMENT TO FRIEND.

Con. J. Tandy 111 lis. present Adjutant of Kentucky, was hilled to make a speech in 1 lo- MiCrea ry-Mi'lici nod campaign at Hvensboro. C'-tl.

Klli.s Jived in at one lime and had a very warm and stanch generosity and ni'ui eness. Xo. Ft. on Ho- A. C.

Wilson farm, was drlled to a depth of unly eiidiiy-six feet plus five feet of pay that is as rich as i eosot e. When the pump "hooked tiie "ISaby" pumped at the rale of thirt y-t hive barrels per hour or barrels per day. This is the shallowest well in the entire he hi and one of the most prolific producers. The cost of (hilling was less than Jtui. of which only a re whites.

mad Still Among "Em. p. a Cu rf. With ai ologies t-Luke. I would like iti ayk what iin become of the mdh v.

usm! to Io--his nerve, gi red and tamiti-r when it became necessary him io make a touch. (Maid of Athene He still does, bin he hasn't around since be got Die last five. up of Dutch and British settlers, olored population consists of Kaf The plat ed iu ad a nee. and ord to press forward and clear the thinks of all enemies. Col.

Whitley, an phi nd Ian fig er nd a old n. nw an independent volunteer, and kept up with the advance. After several days' pursuit. Col. Whitley rode along the iine of jnaieh ith several fre.sii Indian sea I ps in his hand ery i nir the soldiers in line of march.

'There's lealher for you It was soon ai to that fie had seen i Indians on the far side the Tbauo-s Uivor, had shot both of them, swan; his puny across lie river and tiem. "That eveni ng about 3 o'clock the British infantry were seen forim-d in line of battle aeioss he Ming's Highway, over which they were i et reai-ing. A halt of the States toicos took place and a council t.f officers determined thai the Second battalion Johnson's reiiiHont, under command of Lieut. James Johnson, should lake care of the British, and the bai tali on. under i 'ol.

friend I here by name Mike Me the times Mrs. Thompson should think twice before taking a position against smoking. Less li a en yea rs ago the fact that women of social position in London were seen smoking cigarettes at the races was sufficiently surpr's-ing to be cabled to the "French and American papers, in addition to ing published in the London newspapers, smoking-soon taken up by women in certain social circles in New York and other Ameri-can in imitation of London, and fiL for a i forbidden in all res a 11 -Hl rants and other public places, had be-come fairly common in America when women nf the London Smart Set began to abandon on the ground that D'-i-M'otl. an irishman of whom everyone was very He had one of the front seals at the speaking. In the opening of his speech (Jen.

Kills said: "When I was asked to tro out in this campaign I had some hesitancy iij pdng at but when I saw the name of 'McDerniot on the A "Needed Traffic "Regulation. A provision which is lacking in the traffic regulation? is one forbidding the parking of vehicles immediately in front of the main entrances of buildings. Such a provision, needed at all times, is especially needed in, bud weather. Drivers habit mil ly leave vehicles standing in front of entrances of buildings, public and private, as if nobody Wse hud occasion to use them, the result being that those who do have occasion to use them are put to Loose the Bloodhouucis. Barney! The conviction of a Xew York factory owner who did not provide tire exits sufficient to reduce the da nger to a minimum will be looked upon everywhere as a hopeful sian of the firs, Hottentots and coolies intported from India.

The color in South Africa is one of great dilhcultv. not only dors the colored population outnumber the white by about five to one, but the colored nice, having a different standard of comfort from Europeans, can live and feed more cheap; v. Tne natives have pracuca'iv a monopoly ol the unskilled labor and uomesMe v-ive, ai.d some are etuei ins into close competition with the whites skilled workmen and clerks.1 The greatest source of wealth in South Airica. nes in tne mints. Moid was first in tn Transvaal and the Kmihcr'ey diamond mines were opened in 1S7.

There are rich d- Akron. O. travel lias a broadening as re hoiiu-hi at once tha is m.v old friend Mike, who is running for Lieutenant Cover nor. and I will yo for him." Mike whs very much pleased over Big' Money For Speculators, 1 udependent. A Mason county farmer whose was injured by the hailstorm of last fntminer to lose heavily on his crop.

Whi i was standing in the fields all torn by the hail he was offered 7 cents for it and at that time sold ii for thai pi ice. He has delivered it the speculators at. lb 7-cent price and it is io be a good crop which will bring i he speculators mote ha 1 ho per cent. marked I a I week, allow me, I R. M.

rdiii st in, should hunt up the Indians under Tecuniseh and entrae them. "They were known be on times. For many years there have been indict int-rus for such criminal negligence, but convictions have been extremely rare. tne cneapuess ni cigarettes made it to add that the flank. Volunteers were tl to form jri'i i dis- I Pi't'its of possible for housemaids, coster girls a icrinrn About ihiri ver.

copper. Iwul. coal. tin. salt and asbestos.

he total value of is. I-H wjis being gold. same has reached my waist line. Furthermore, the jiirls Die utiniaf ouffnit ITO uhe mam items mount ed and stepped the- rolit aruong them were my l'nele fif. ftard Spun John Mel "iinnigk- and old 'ol.

Whitley. They were ordered to keep well in line- and with spaces of-from twenty to fhirt.c feet between m-m. t. nfu the statement and. after th' speaking, s.aid to Cen.

Kllis: "I heard ye say it. and I knowed ye meant it. hut I'm not (he man." SHOOK HIS CONFIDENCE IN VOTERS' PROMISES. They v. ere having a campaign for county offices up in Carroll county several years ago and among (lie candidates was Lions Day.

better known as "Sorghum" Day. on account of his rep tit a ion far making a -splendid brum 'f si.ifhiim molasses, "Sor-hum" was a candidate for jailer, and everv lime a man promised lo vote fur 3k. and diauu-mis. produce from land was I he- total only 'St' per unnecessary inconvenience and often to the serious discomfort of making their roundabout way through rain or snow. This discomfort was suffered very generally through the period of the recent heavy snows.

1 most cases but narrow pathways were cleared! through the snow from curbs to en- is a sig-Irom the notice me not. The soldiers are home here. loo. fent. cf that amount: but it mhcant fart tha; (he produce iand has doublet; t-ie find the Indians and bring on the bar-tie.

When formed jn line. McGnnnigh- Grins and Groans By S. ADKIN'-J A criminologist says tha in nine cases in ten the crime is due to the deVnquency of society rather than to the fundament a depravity the criminal. says, the debutante, so few criminals, even yentiemen burglars, ever were in society. IflT; five cars, ah indication of agriculture spnrr was on tm right of Biehard and Whitley on his left.

I I. 1)1 Kit. him he put his name down in booli '1 1 e.c aoi timarv larm laud anu gres success of drv-tarming. The -chief crops are' maiXo wheat and oats. Vines and tobacco (ire cultivated, and there arc a great mim-hrr of sheep and ostrich farms.

The chit besides minerals feathers. iisi). fru. skins, mohair, wilier, tobacco, wool and whale oil Th- which he en rr'ed rough the cam- and other unfashionable women to imitate the habit of their social su-' periors. The pipe was declared in smart circles tho successor 01 the cigarette.

Tiie prescribed pipe was an expensive importation with a bowl of some costly material, a stem of Mahakb cherry or Turish jessamine and a silver or amber mouthpiece. It is the misfortune of those who would be exclusive that cheap imitations of almost everything that- is expensive soon are adopted by tho socially un-- recognized. Cheap pipes for women closely resembling the expensive fash-- 1 lonable ones had become common when the war bega a nd he corre- places f.v I got till-'? 1 is ill pair n. It look finite a number of O.VI-: OF Till-: HFS-i Louisville wheie moi ningr rxeivi, v. jitney 'bus.

tlP-fff. books lvtore the campaign was finished, as "Hotyfium" promise from nearly everv man he met. "When the eb-etion was over it was ot recent opening up The New York Mail finds thru there is more nounsfimen; in a hoecake as large as a man's hand than in a H-ceirt loaf of white wheat bread. More entertainment, too. especially if there's any buttermilk on the prem Much Like Us.

They' i human. Wing-s and queens-. Xa poIems And The proof is amide. Her bills would often Make him pout. And now and then She'd semi him out To match a sample.

nun si ria progress years has necessitated the of railroads dire-Bon- found that "Sorghum" bad received A but STOC1K are 1'fets i tianees, and where were left standing in front of these others, who subsequently drove up many of them ladies and some of them invalids were forced to tramp their way nearly knee-deep through the snow. This practice, of course, is largely due to thoughtlessness, and to that extent ca be cured without police "After proceeding aboul a half mile through thick hrusb. thev that ibcrti was a slight o'peninq before them, which found to be a slough, twenty or tliirtv feet wide and clear of timber. Almost simultaneously they were fired upon bv ho Indians from the opposite side of the slough. McCunnigle fell dead sho' through the heart.

Whitlev instantiv threw himself behind ihe bode nf a large tree that had fallen diagonally to the sjough, the upper end almost leaching it. Spun- threw himself behind the stump of (he fallen tree and io the dead bodv of Whitley; supposing himself to be between two dead Verv soon he pRn- nn Indian start from the on- lWhiDevSkie tl) S'-uIP. mm ''Car the end of the log Ufutiey raised his gun and but votes. He looked over Ins books tarr-fully and remarked: Well, this election has given nie some useful information, U-v I have discovered that of the voters of Carroll county is dam liars." RUSSIAN RELIEF FUND MEETING TO BE HELD ises. -A mass Io 1111, regulations if the thoughtless, when One Opinion.

tn what lb-rent laws fer i he Th CONGRESSMEN WILL INSPECT M0NTICELLG idease rich and about diff Shades of Omni iiauciiii? the Kubaiyar were somethiir? for an interpretative dancimr achievement, bul Paul Swan must widen ls range if he would bear away the inlands of the populace. Why stop At Ihe Pet him briiiR in some items of local interest. An interpretative presentation of a s-ssion of tne Louisville Stock Kxchaiiu misht have a lulling effect, but it wouhl hi some angles that never were rockoncti by the tentmnker. Harrison Hunter and Henry Ahnstedt could help ova on "The Government is planning to dignify housework." Will they it to a at which a woman who ca a I'ford a ird -ra I serva iu will not feel that it is beneath her digit i i 1 do li er work to get it rightly done? they stop their cars, will make it a point to beoi: mind that their negligence of the rights of other people iray greatly discommode them. 13ut there are.

some drivers who are cal lief of tin- sulTorins lliissians. who Have liocn inili.u-pni i.v ihe present war. will i.f at Hell. Hameilrasli Preston atu1 Fclu- avenue. While a relief of ha.

i.een raised, it is claimed hy the inauarators of the move-mem thai iiwhis to the enoimoiia poDulalion of Ktissia litis will he nnlv ii pro rata, of Jl to each person. The meeting is under the auspice of the I'nitetl Hebrews of sum. mm aead. then turning on his hack, loaoed his gun. After doing thH he.

crawled along behind the log to where the dead Indian luv, he 'sup posed, to scalp him. While doing "thi anuther broke out from the brush on the farther side of the slough "When he got about haff way Wirt ley jumped up, threw his gun' to his face and the Indian, him. raided his gun. Roth fired sounding like the report or but one gun and both fell dead. "At this time Johnswfs Battauon came up in force.

chrge was ordered lous to any appeals to courtesy or fairness. And these ought to be taken in hand by the authorities. Those who will not respect lie rights of others be made to do spondems w'no were tcHins the story of the fads of the smart set turned to weightier matters. In the natural course of events we ehall have in the experi-" enc of London. Smart women may 4 abandon cigarettes because the habit is no longer exclusive.

If they do the ladies' meerschaum with the jessamine Ktick stem will be imitated, and 3 smoking may become a ciieap and genera 1 ha bi 1. Mrs. Thompson ma y. ere long, be running for office against a woman who smokes a corn cob pipe, for in politics women will find it exi-' gent to a democratic appeal, and ri.v; to excoriate all forms of and all excluders. A man run-uing for office to-day upon a platform Washington.

-7. A Commiiioe of Senators and Representatives will go to Charlottesville. to-morrow to inspect Monticello. home of Thomas Jefferson, in connection with he proposed Government purchase of the property as an historical landmark. The party will be aeompanied by number of ufHcers of the Daughter! nf ihe devolution, headed by Mrs.

Wilila.n Story, itinera i. This or.miifb"-itinn is behind the movement to buy Monticello. MINISTERS WILL DISCUSS EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN The names of the throe Democratic candidates. who have announced themselves, show ihat the change in the form of county government brings out b'tier timber than the most sanguine advocates of the change the poor." "The lawyers don't give anybody the best of it." In the Library. "What's the.

rouble in he. hook-case?" asked easy chair. "Seems a volume of Dumas hot In mon the works of answered lie i aphophoiio. "A respects bio outsider, however." "Vfs. but nof in Looking- "Kver jro to a lady barber." "Not since my grandmother used to cut my hair." Bather Chilly.

The man iu the street, Vou'll allow. HELD ON ROBBERY CHARGE. NEGRO DENIES HIS GUILT the details and the Board of Governors could act as a ballet do corps 'hat the Exchange as a body coulfi he the le ccrps. Somet Wins more appealing- V.owever. uould )o a.

classical lerpsfihniean position "Th.e Lies Th.a; I vires Tell." in which Jlr. Swan work in a feiv s.vra lions 10 show a har-gomaster's righteous wrath and a few little inures of his own io represent the Census Bureau. Some smaller iigures could depict the Onslaught hi An Ordinary Mind. Frank Harris, book critic, tells in a magazine article- bis experience as a witness in the case of Guido Bruno, arrested for selling a book calfcd "Kdna, a Girl of the Streets." l.uciua Gortlon. a negro, r.4 years old.

w)u; is allowed 10 have oointn'ltL ted a bold daylitrhi rohberv Tllursdav at Kirsi tuiU Caldwell streets was arrested yesterday morning: at Sixth anil York streets by Patrolmen r0- A man in Chicago advertises: will not be responsible tor ilebts contracted against me by myseir or anybody There are a very rew cases in which advertising is not needed, nml this no doubt is one of theiii. mauiii, cnargecl Willi robbery. The otlieers assert that Mrs I. A. ViuiArsdale.

of 304 South Third The charge laid against Bruno was instigated by a member of the Soci- uieoitoeit as the neirt-o jfty for the Prevention of Vice. When no snaicyjjMt purse eontaininir Sl from her. The the Morning and the Alibi in the neon. As the populace has been without for a few months, Jlr. Swan would applauded were he to lengthen the famine with "The Story of th Tro' Xiekel," endhm this wild lorpsiviiorraii tale iu a mad epilogue wherein t'ie common stockholders could rush in ex- opposina indulgence in tobacco would -t have slim chances of election.

The -tv? Oregon Legislature may be composed chiefly, in 1920. of women who smoke lnsoni-i- denies the a snurp sicirnush ensued. The In dians retreated scattering in the bushes and this pari, of ISi.l was over "Jn tiie meantime the Second Batta'-iou, under 'ames Johnson, had attacked the British line by charging them the infantry surrendered. The cavalrv their escape. "After the battle with the Indian was over.

Richard Spurr. being minor oificer, was ordered to titke i sufficient wiund of men. and bring the dead into tramp, which duty he performed He found the body of McGunnigle lying in a thicket of briars ami the c.l Whitley lying where he had seen blui fall, with two fresh Indian scalps ni his belt. Just over the log lay the first. Indian shot by Whitlev.

n'm the middle of the sluugh he found the second one Whitley had killed. lyiii" on his face and with a strip of skin two inches wide and more, than a foot long taken from tiie middle of his back. These four bodies he carried tnto camp and laid them down side by side. "Gen Harrison was present. looked at the bodies and said the one with the strip taken from the back was that of Tec*mseh: he Itad seen him often and knew hhn well.

The power of the Indians in the Northwest was broken with the fall of Tec*mseh. Col. R. M. Johnson alwavs the All ministers of Louisville will meet for prayer and conference in behalf of the city-wide eva ic campaign nt tho Warren Memorial thurrh 'Hock Wednesday afternoon.

A o'clock the same afiernuon a mass meeting- for women will be held at the Christian church. The Lev. Dr. .1. JJulidu, now holding- tabernacle revival in Xew Albany, will address the vramon.

lie will take his choir with him. EVANSVILLE MINISTER IS CALLED TO BIRMINGHAM and maintain their right to solace the tedium of proceedings by indulgence There's a bo.hI deul of difference of opinion as to iiliai is the unfaii cable crime, but many married men agree that bigamy is the inexplicable one. uHinir over their oue-fiftli of a cent. With tUn nirl nf tnm hnrnt-COl'k an'' ml ilr. Harris finished his direct testimony the representative of the -Society for the Prevention of Vice asked: "Have you an ordinary mind?" The answer was: "Thank God, no." A motion was made, on behalf of the S.

P. V. that the testimony of Harris bo stricken out as incompetent. A Chicago paper, the Kvoniug Post. I tobacco.

Mrs. Thompson should bear in mind that in addition to the increase of smoking among American women which synchronizes with, but per- 'Must be having- cold feet About now. Vibrations. "Here's a scientist says we can send out success vibrations." will they do for nsV" "Dunno. Perhaps they will enable us to shake off our indigent friends." Too Much.

paid 35 cents for thisorder consisting: of one t-pjr." "Well. sir. optjs are high." "I know it. and that's why 1 kick. As I bloke It.

a dm-ken stuck out its head and went 'i Irp, cheep." Uncle Pennywise Says: Too many people, seem to think: they ve grot a patent on common hon- esty. a cigarette he young dancer might interest the Foundation Stockholder? with a short soiree a la pizzicato called "More Smokestacks We're Gonna Gd-tom We're Gonna Ciettem We're Gonna Cietteni N'ow." "Xesotiaiinff a Loan hi enarge, he did nut come to Lomsvtlle front Jionkinsville luttii LACK OF EVIDENCE CAUSES RELEASE OF HOCKEY BILL Failure on the part of the -Memphis authorities who made the charge to supply evidence resulted in the dismissal of Will Lawson. known as "Hockey Hill." accused of being a 'iiember of a Memphis pang who conducted wholesale violations of the I Inr-rison narcotic law. yesterday iti United States 1 'ammissinnet- John P. H-as-wfcVJ's court tit the custom house Howard Keauchamp.

of Louisville, arretted In on 'the same released several davs ago because of lack ot evidence-. The Emersonian theory of compensation is illustrated in Louisville. children have measies. Other liavo to to school. a Louisville Bank." as an mterpreoi tive nronosition.

micht be too straineti ed and drawn out, but a number of minor haps is not correlated with, the con-v vtction of many women that men have not exclusive right to the bal-Ar' lot, there is a -special problem in Ore-'M because there is a considerable credit of killing and it made Hp-; -ii The mil. Kvansvilb-. 17. The W. K.

Swene. pastor of the isitan chim here, sou of the Lev Ztiehai iah Sweeney, of 'uluinbus. Ind former United States Consul to (on- rrAivoH -till comments upon lift incident foi lows: turn tee President of the Pnited Uhen -crash" at Sli per dred in the tobacco market and cig pictures could till nut the such aw "Waiting for Car at Street and Broadway. I'rainhig tne States. He.

however, never claimed it let he did kill an Indian in the hnttu fihin Rivf-e "Workinc for inv arettes remain cheap nf th0'- "Probably the attitude of certain at lomo distance though from (he point I the pastorate of the Christian church! Motion Railroad-, "-New hooks- ni "population of Yamhill, Cow Creek, so-called moralists toward art and make cigarettes'' and- -on umiguiiiii, via. Louisville Free Public Libran "Caron's New'Gity wnere tne incident aoove related took place. Richard Spurr. of Combs Com- -A- 1.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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